Friday, November 18, 2011

|| GOD ||

In his new book,Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson talks about how all of life is relevant for mission. From drinking coffee to changing diapers, from cutting the grass to washing dishes — all of life can be lived to the glory of God by those who have been awakened to the gospel of our exhaustively sovereign Savior.
He writes,
One of the attendant aims of missional evangelicalism is to challenge the compartmentalizing of the Christian faith that we see within the Western church. We are fantastic at itemizing our schedules, and even if we don't assign God a very large bracket, we are constantly remorseful that we "haven't made much time for him." While such compartmentalizing — as if "time with God" can or should be hermetically sealed off from everything else — is a natural symptom of our culture and environment, it also reflects a bad theology.
The truth is, the day does not belong to us. It is not our day to do with as we please. We serve a sovereign God. He created the end from the beginning, knows our future exhaustively, and is firmly in control. He made our days and they belong to him. As such, isn't it a bit arrogant to begin with the idea that each day is ours and then worry about fitting God in? Instead, we should work at the humble awe of knowing all of our moments, every millisecond, waking or sleeping, are perfectly accounted for within the economy of heaven.
Let us stake the flag of Christ's kingdom into the soil of our first waking moment. Drink your coffee when you get up, of course, but drink it to the glory of God. Then carry on in this way all day, no matter the task, be it menial or notable, so that each day may be a living prayer that God's will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is what it means to live a gospel-saturated life: it means being so conscious of the greatness of the gospel that changing diapers or cutting the grass is as much an act of worship as singing a praise chorus in a church service….
Jesus Christ is Lord over my heart, and he is Lord over my hands, and he is Lord over what I do with these hands, and he is Lord over what I say in my heart while I'm doing it. In submitting to the lordship of Christ, then, I do not treat washing dishes as wasting time I could be spending doing something "meaningful," but rather as a service to those who eat in my home, as a service to those who would have to wash the dishes if I did not, and as an offering of thanksgiving to God that I have food to eat, dishes to eat it on, and running water inside my home to clean with.
To paraphrase C. S. Lewis, there is not a square inch of our lives that is not claimed by God and counterclaimed by ourselves. If we believe God is sovereign, however, we will see all of life as mission and be led to submit the square inches we otherwise hold so tightly to the Maker of inches and hands.
Gospel Wakefulness, (Wheaton: Crossway, 2011), 90–92, paragraphing added.
Originally posted on

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Road ID

Here at home I run alongside some very busy streets. Since I do not like to carry my wallet with me while running or biking I found this.

To share some Christmas blessing they have put out some coupons out for everyone to use. Enjoy here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thought of the Day!

The most amazing thing about this picture is not just the lives touched that this picture represents but the unity of the team. God melded this team together on this trip like non other. I have never been apart of a missions trip team that was so focused on one goal and one mission. The story behind this picture is one of that teamwork. Several of us were talking about how cool it would be to get a picture like this. So armed with that thought we did it. But it was a team effort. My camera, Mrs Query taking the picture, I made a few initial edits to the picture, Aaress posted the quote, Melanie saw the quote and picture and combined the two. And now was have a memorial just like the people of Israel when God would command them to set up memorials. Why? So that when their children saw it they would ask, "What did GOD do here?" We are the BODY!

First of 10 post about the trip: