Thank You
Each of the Cadet challenges would not be possible without the many tireless hours and the service or many different people. At Indianapolis it was no different. Many people gave of there time and energy to make an impact in each of the young men’s lives. Thank you all for your hard work and diligent service year after year. To God be all the glory!
II Timothy 4:7-8 says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” These men and women here have truly fought the fight and finished the race.
Red Unit Leader
Meal Chief and Logistics
Event Leader - Orienteering and Everybody Counts
Registration director and Meal assistant
Meal assistant and Registration assistant
Battalion SMAJ and Event Leader - Drill and Ceremony and Water, Water, Everywhere
Challenge Officer in Charge
Assistant Officer in Charge and Photographer
Green Unit Leader
Blue Unit Leader
Assistant to the Major and Event Leader - Obstacle Course and Travios and Chariot
Thank you all for your service and the many others that are not mentioned.
There were so many people there that made the whole conference so much easier. I know you were such a blessing to Maj. Farr. You were able to fill in for him when he was not able to be. It would not have happened the way it did if hadn't been for your hard work. Thank you for all the behind the seen hours you put in to that conference that it so much easier on us all.
Thanks for all the great pictures you put up from the Indy Challenge! It looks like it was a full week and a good one. You are really getting a workout this summer as you help and participate in all these Cadet activities! Sorry the Oregon F/S Camp won't be on shared on your blog from your first-hand perspective, though. =) I went to the beach yesterday and was wearing my ALERT Cadet Staff sweatshirt. It opened up some opportunities to share with a couple of people about the program.
Nice blogspot cousin!
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